Goat Rentals
1 hr
6 US dollars30 min
$50-$2101 hr
$175-$3951 hr
$350-$6103 hr
$250-$3402 hr
$250-$7501 hr
Booking Goats
About Visits
Visit includes 1-3 goats and a handler for an hour of time. Each additional hour of playtime will be $50 more upon request. Additional hours must be requested at reservation. Additional hours requested at the event are up to Rent-A-Kid’s discretion.
The visit will not start until goats have arrived on location and have had time to relieve themselves and any accessories the hander has brought have been set up (gate, toys, etc). If there is an agreed-upon time and Rent-A-Kid is early, time will not start till agreed upon time. If Rent-A-Kid is late, time will not start until they are done setting up.
The customer is expected to provide proper directions to the destination at least 48 hours before the event. Rent-a-Kid is not responsible if transportation is slowed or stopped because of uncontrollable events. Customers should understand goats are not always easy to move around and should give Rent-A-Kid a 30 min window to arrive.
Rent-A-Kid will try to arrive at least 15 minutes before the agreed-upon time to set up.
Rent-A-Kid has a right to cancel the event and refund the customer if they feel unsafe about the location. If they are already at the event and feel unsafe during the visit they have the right to remove the goats and themselves and leave without a refund.
During the visit, the customer and guests will be able to play and cuddle with the goats. If the goats are old enough there will also be food provided to feed.
Rent-A-Kid has the right to set a limit of how many people can be in the gate at any given time. Rent-A-Kid also has the right to deny a guest or customer access to the goat if the goat is handled inappropriately or if the goat is behaving strangely. Rent-A-Kid also has a right to set a limit on the amount or type of food given to the goat.
When the visit time is over then Rent-A-Kid will remove goats from the property, letting them relieve themselves one more time before loading.
Customers are expected to provide an area the goats can relieve themselves. If the goats relieve themselves anywhere else Rent-A-Kid will clean it up, BUT the customer should understand if the goats are outside this will be harder to do.
Goats can be inside or out depending on the customer's preference but if the visit is inside the customer should understand the goats are not potty trained and will nibble on items if not supervised.
Rent-A-Kid is NOT responsible if anything is ruined or broken by the goats.
All pictures taken by Rent-A-Kid belong to Rent-A-Kid and may be used on any website or social media account owned by Rent-A-Kid. If there is a person who wants to make sure they do not appear in pictures or have faces removed in pictures that person should make it known to Rent-A-Kid before the event starts. If anyone uses pictures taken of goats or handlers, Rent-A-Kid has a right to reuse pictures or ask for pictures to be taken down from social media or websites, or marketing. Customers and guests are encouraged to tag Rent-A-Kid in any images or videos posted.